Siluria, playable drone synth
Silura ist ein komplexer Drone-Synthesizer für das modulare Euro-Rack.
Choose a waveform for the drone, tune it up to get the most out of it. Select another one for the main voice and play it using the 12-tone keyboard or external MIDI controller. Add modulation if you want - from FM radio if you feel lucky, or via line input or a WAV file for the exact result you are looking for. Spice it with effects, and record everything to the SD card, so nothing from your sonic journey is ever lost.
Adjust the main drone frequency using one of the knobs. Add harmonics by precisely tuning fractional delays, flangers and reverbs. Play on the keyboard using pre-defined scales, with the base note following the main frequency in a quantized manner, or go wild and let the pitch follow the polyphonic aftertouch, kraakdoos style.
VCO1 08/2024 Desktop, Modular